God this lockdown feels endless.

As a studio owner who’s been teaching every type of movement technique for as long as I can remember, the thought of NOT doing it with real life humans in the room was completely unfathomable in March when COVID hit. Six months on, that feeling lingers right at the forefront of my mind and body – there’s nothing quite so rewarding as turning up to your class with your favourite instructor, having a laugh, working hard together to do one more flow, one more set of leg shaking lunges. The energy in the room in palpable, the energy inside you is electrifying.


Adapting to an online workout has proven to be far more challenging than most of us realised. In March, you subscribed, bought a mat and other stuff you’re not 100% sure of how to use without assistance and shouted from the highest hill that your goal for ISO was to work out every GOD DAMN day! You started off strong, posting selfies and ordering new active wear. But before you knew it, you logged in twice and your yoga mat was being used as a forte to stop annoying sisters from entering the Boyzone. 


And now it’s six months on and you’ve done way less than you planned. Why is it so hard to workout outline? You have the determination, you easily visit the gym 3 times a week, you have all the crap you need so what is holding you back?

You can’t do big things if you are distracted by small things.

The beauty of ‘going’ to the studio is that you leave all your distractions at home! You don’t place your laptop on your yoga mat next to your bolster or bring your 3-year-old and his collection of Monster Trucks to drive under the tunnel during downward dog. 


Perhaps you can’t resist that alert notification from Strawberrynet or feel the need to selfie your attempt at an online workout. The bottom line is, if you don’t isolate yourself in isolation you are doomed. You will be back watching Frozen Two or bidding on eBay before the end of your first exhale.

Stop making unachievable goals.

If you don’t work out every day when you are not in lock down, why on earth do you think that you would when you are? 


Whether you feel it or not, this strange, crazy Covid 19 world we are living in, is affecting our mind and body. It’s not the time to place unrealistic expectations on yourself to achieve things that you’ve never achieved before. Start by committing to 1-3 classes a week for 30 mins or even 7 days a week for 15 mins. Just decide on what you can do, not what you have never done before

Quit worrying about the cost of the subscription.

Here’s the thing. An online program should not be expensive. A one-month subscription should be the same as one studio class! If you are struggling to find the time at home to do online programs, choose a subscription that offers a range of different class lengths. That way you can go for a walk with the dog, or a bike ride with the kids and then jump online and do 20 mins of abs or a 15 mins stretch. You don’t have to do 5 x 60 mins classes a week to make online workout subscriptions viable.


Choose an online subscription that reflects who you are not who you think you are.

There are some amazing online programs out there delivered by fabulous people who talk the talk and do the things. 


However, if you hate doing 100 burpees followed by 800 squats carrying a sack of potatoes every day, you are not going to make the most out of your “Fit as F%4#” online subscription. If you are not a Yogi, do not sign up for a diehard yoga immersion program thinking you are going to transform overnight into an enlightened human being. 


Some days, I like to sit and meditate and call it a day. Most days I want to spend 30 mins doing moderate exercise after I have been for a brisk walk. Once a week I want to sweat it out in Barre or a HIIT class. Choose a program that you can relate to and caters for where you are at each day.

Do what you can. The only person judging you is you!

Online classes let you take your classes at your own pace because nobody can even see you. Slow it down, catch your breath, or swap an exercise. Hell, do 10 mins and drink a wine. This is THE best part of online programs! Even if you smash it and kick your instructors butt, nobody but you are going to know. Do yourself a favour and use the privacy of your sessions to be mindful about how your body is feeling and how you can address the things it might be telling you.

Online workouts save precious time.

If you think about all the time you have to put aside to get dressed for the gym, make sure you have your swipe, towel, water bottle, lip balm (maybe that’s just me), non-see through leggings and then get to the studio, park, walk or lock up your bike you could have actually already done your online workout! When you are short on time or struggle with the I can’t be stuffed getting dressed blues, then online workouts are a solution for you!


There is one thing that we all know about life after 2020, it is never going to be quite the same. Yes, the Gym will reopen, and the Pilates studios will start face to face classes, but the convenience, affordability and accessibility of Online Subscriptions are here to stay. Life is survival of those best able to adapt, so time to adapt the way we workout I say.


Check out our online studio for some inspiring workouts.

About the author

Lisa Minett is an experienced and dedicated Yoga and Dance teacher with over 20 years of experience working as a professional performing artist and educator. Previously the Head of Movement and Dance at NIDA, she is now the owner/director of My Mama Said, a vibrant studio in Melbourne offering classes in Barre, Pilates and Yoga.