Blossom into Spring: A Sacred Journey with Cacao, Yoga and Ancient Rituals

Cacao Ceremony: We’ll start by sipping warm, nourishing cacao together, allowing this sacred drink to open our hearts and connect us with our inner wisdom.
Yoga Practice: You’ll enjoy a yoga session that focuses on waking up any stuck energy, helping the vibrant spirit of spring to flow freely through your body and mind.
Sacred Rituals: Together, we’ll participate in heartfelt rituals that celebrate the equinox, giving you space to release the old and embrace the new with grace and gratitude.
Meditation: We’ll close with a guided meditation that will help you connect deeply with the equinox energy, aligning your intentions with the natural flow of the season and nurturing your inner growth.
Community Connection: You’ll share this special time with a group of like-hearted souls, creating a warm and supportive community as we honour this season of transformation together.


Maja is the founder of Atelier of Life, where she combines expertise from various disciplines to offer transformative experiences to all who enter her space. Her spiritual journey began with Reiki two decades ago, and she has continuously expanded her knowledge. Today, she is a dedicated Reiki Master Teacher, a Certified Yoga Teacher with 500 hours of training and a Crystal Healer. Maja also facilitates women’s circles and cacao ceremonies, bringing a holistic approach to healing and community building. At the core of Maja’s practice is a commitment to community. At Atelier of Life, she creates a warm, inclusive environment that promotes connection, growth, and healing. Her approach is focused on rejuvenation—physical, emotional, spiritual, or a journey towards profound inner healing—ensuring a nurturing space that supports personal transformation.


Date: Friday, 20 September
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Investment: $60 Members | $65 Non Members

Presenter: Maja

Location: Seddon Studio

Places limited. Bookings essential.