If you are pregnant you must check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. If you have never exercised before, we recommend you join a pre-natal class. If you are a regular fitness attendee, let your instructor know and they will modify your session according to which trimester you are in. If you have a history of miscarriage or complications during pregnancy, perhaps wait it out and start your exercise program after you have given birth to your beautiful bundle of joy!
Please click here for more information on claiming private health fund rebates.
Yoga classes require you to be barefoot, but I promise no one will be looking at your feet. It is just not that kind of class if you know what I mean.
Pilates can be done with either bare feet or socks.
Reformer socks must be worn on reformers at all time. We do provide grip mats or you can purchase a pair of grip socks from our retails store.
Please also bring a drink bottle and a sweat towel for hygiene purposes.
If you have a comfortable and breathable carrier we suggest bringing it with you so that if your baby becomes unsettled, you can strap them to you and do some some standing exercises with your spine supported.
Please note our studio is located upstairs, so bring a carrier or pram that can easily be folded and transported.
Checkout our timetable to book a class.