Any pass that you purchase through Mindbody will activate from the first class that you book. This means that if you book your first class on Wed 10th January (for example) and then go to book on Mon 8th January, the system will not be able to backdate and recognise your pass. To fix this, all you need to do is cancel the first class you booked and book the first class you want to attend first in chronological order. Still confused? Email us and we will help you out
If you are injured you must check with your doctor or health practitioner before starting any exercise program. If you have clearance from your doctor, just let your instructor know what your injury is and they will guide you on modifications and exercises to avoid. Listen to your body and if you are unsure, wait the exercise out.

If you are pregnant you must check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. If you have never exercised before, we recommend you join a pre-natal class. If you are a regular fitness attendee, let your instructor know and they will modify your session according to which trimester you are in. If you have a history of miscarriage or complications during pregnancy, perhaps wait it out and start your exercise program after you have given birth to your beautiful bundle of joy!

Latecomers will not be admitted to class. This is for your safety as the warm up at the start of class is of the upmost importance. It is also out of respect for those already in class who will be distracted by you as you rush to set up all your props. If you are late, grab a cup of tea and a magazine and chill out in our lounge! You might be able to join the next class.
My Mama Said is a registered business with Fitness Australia. This means that certain health insurance companies may cover some of your membership costs.

Please click here for more information on claiming private health fund rebates.

Barre classes require you to be barefoot. It is not possible to do barre class in shoes. If you have a foot thingy and the idea of going barefoot scares the heck out of you, then you may like to try a pair of socks that have grip on the sole. Just be aware that some exercises will still not be possible.

Yoga classes require you to be barefoot, but I promise no one will be looking at your feet. It is just not that kind of class if you know what I mean.

Pilates can be done with either bare feet or socks.

Reformer socks must be worn on reformers at all time. We do provide grip mats or you can purchase a pair of grip socks from our retails store.

Please also bring a drink bottle and a sweat towel for hygiene purposes.

Try not to eat a heavy meal before class. We recommend you eat at least 90 minutes before class so you can get the most out of your session. You didn’t come to class to work out your digestive system now did you? If you are one of those people who need something before they exercise, keep to a light snack.
Absolutely! Here at My Mama Said we do our best to teach in a progressive manner, which means providing options for everyone. We do ask however, that you communicate with your instructor before class so they can give you as much support and any modifications you may need throughout the class.
My Mama Said is a mantra that is unique to everyone because it allows you to express your own beliefs and philosophies.
Unfortunately no. We are upstairs on the top level so we ask that you please bring your bub in the carrier if possible!
Apart from bringing your tiny bub, any child older than that unfortunately, no. My Mama Said is a child free zone. Our space is designed to be an adult friendly space and simply does not have the capacity to accommodate children whilst classes are running.
Absolutely not! Everyone is welcome here. Bring your mother, your brother or your lover!
Yes we do. They are gorgeous (if we do say so ourselves) and we have divine Meraki, ASPAR and Eleven products for you to spoil yourself with after class.
You can if you like, but we provide mats for everyone, free of charge.
Here at My Mama Said we have always taken cleanliness very seriously, even pre-pandemic. As a high traffic area we do a thorough clean of the entire studio twice a week as well as daily cleans of common area surfaces, bathrooms and all equipment used. You also receive a freshly laundered, complimentary towel upon arrival for your class. You can choose to cover anything you might like to (i.e. Mat, Yoga bolster) and then wipe down your equipment afterwards. We have multiple hand sanitiser stations placed around the studio as well as multiple sinks to wash your hands in.
Yes, you can. The Barre Addicts Membership is the most popular membership for prenatal clients with the flexibility to suspend for up to 3 months (90 days) whilst you are on maternity leave. There is a minimum 4-month commitment ( 8 fortnightly payments) that must be fulfilled on your contract. See Barre Addicts Membership for full terms and conditions.
Yes, our barre and Restore Yoga classes are also prenatal safe provided you are not suffering from any major pelvic instability. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this.
The guidelines for returning to fitness postpartum can vary depending on your circumstances, so we advise getting cleared for exercise by your medical practitioner first before returning to class.
Bring a baby blanket to lay over our mats and any toys that will help keep your baby occupied during the session.

If you have a comfortable and breathable carrier we suggest bringing it with you so that if your baby becomes unsettled, you can strap them to you and do some some standing exercises with your spine supported.

Please note our studio is located upstairs, so bring a carrier or pram that can easily be folded and transported.

Checkout our timetable to book a class.